Call Lending Services

Call Lending Services

Call Lending offers Mobile Operators the opportunity to lend “Out Of Credit” Prepaid subscribers a specific amount of credit to be deducted from their account on the next recharge.

For its Call Lending Suite, Weekea uses an intelligent scoring and AI techniques to build an informed view of spending behavior, user interaction, and nuanced financial trends. With this deep insight, we are able to provide higher credit denominations at lower risk to more users.


Emergency Credit allows zero balance customers to automatically acquire airtime credits. The service would therefore reduce the lost “call opportunity”.

If qualified, Zero balance customers, will automatically receive an Emergency Credit (amount determined by the Operator).


Micro Credit Lending service allows subscribers who do not have enough credits to undertake any mobile activity (make a call, send an SMS, renew or subscribe to a service or data bundle), can now qualify to a Micro Credit Loan.
