Promo SMS
Build a direct relationship with your customers

Promo SMS, the best tool for your SMS campaigns

Weekea offers different solutions depending on your Marketing goals. Implement interactive marketing campaigns and increase brand awareness, raise potential customers and retain current ones, promote new products or services, and increase revenue.

Mega Promo & Quiz

SMS Contests that allow you to interact with your customers

Mega promo is an SMS contest that attempts to attract customers to participate in an interactive game

First, the customer receives an SMS with information about the game. To participate, all they have to do is answer the questions, with the aim of accumulating points and winning prizes, as per the regulations established for the campaign.


It is a competition based on long-term and recurring subscriptions that boost an increase in ARPU. These campaigns lead to higher customer engagement, an increase in the frequency and amount of mobile phone charges, and brand loyalty.


Business Benefits

Customization Options

Give your brand a unique voice with your own personalized greetings, on-hold music, and menu instructions.